Homemade Butter + Butter Flight
By Sarah Mason of Morningmist Jerseys
This recipe is provided by Sarah who hosted a ‘Cultivating Community’ class on how to make homemade butter and how to create different kinds of flavoured butter! Our class loved it so much that we thought we would share the recipe with you all - enjoy!
Homemade Butter Flight
Making butter is a simple process that requires few steps, ingredients + equipment.
One standard 946 ml carton of Whipping Cream roughly produces 2 cups of fresh, homemade butter.
- Stand Up Mixer, preferably a mixer with a whisk attachment as well as a dough hook attachment.
- Strainer
- Cheese Cloth
- Whole Cream (or Whipping Cream)
- Salt (optional)
(Total duration will take roughly 20 minutes)
- Simply add desired amount of whole cream to bowl of stand up mixer.
- Using the whisk attachment on the mixer, begin to mix the cream at a medium speed.
- The cream will then begin to form into whipped cream and then eventually butter and buttermilk will begin to form + separate.
- Once small pieces of butter are visible within the mixing bowl, the 'washing' process can begin.
- Using a strainer, pour out the butter + butter milk mixture (Remember save the butter milk for baking & delicious pancakes!)
- Begin to rinse the butter within the strainer using very cold water until the water runs clear. This may take 3-4 rinses.
- Return the butter to the mixing bowl, filling the mixing bowl with cold water so that the butter is covered.
- Attach the dough hook to the mixer, setting the mixer speed to a low, allow the mixer to do the final round of 'cleaning' the butter.
- After a few minutes the washing is complete. Rinse the butter again with cold water, if the water still is cloudy, rinse until the water runs clear.
- Now the butter can be placed within the cheese cloth and squeezed to remove any remaining water.
The butter can then be salted to taste, and stored to stay fresh within the refrigerator for up to two weeks!
Butter Flight
- 1 cup butter
- 2 tsp orange zest
- 2 tbsp orange juice
- 1/4 cup honey
- 2 tsp freshly chopped rosemary
Roast 1 clove of garlic for 45 minutes at a 350 degree oven
- 1 cup butter
- 8 cloves garlic
- Squeeze of lemon
- 1 cup butter
- 1 tbsp honey
- 1/4 cup Saskatoon Berries (either fresh or jam)
- 1 cup butter
- 1/2 cup pecans (toasted + finely chopped)
- 1/2 cup maple syrup